
Similarities Between The Jelly-Bean And The Great Gatsby

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“The Great Gatsby’s” relation to “The Jelly-Bean”

“The Great Gatsby” and “The Jelly-Bean” are both written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This causes both pieces of literature to have his style and likenesses. Some of his characters even appear in both stories. F. Scott Fitzgerald loves to show the effect of economy on the life of his characters in the 1920s. F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and "The Jelly-Bean" contrast in their uses of point of view, but are alike in their use of conflict and flashbacks.

In “The Great Gatsby” F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the first person point of view to develop his novel. The narration by Nick Carraway is established from the beginning of the story. “The Jelly-Bean” contrasts this by using the third person
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