Similarities Between The Salem Witch Trials And The Mccarthy Era

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The Silver Lining of The Salem Witch Trials, McCarthy Era, and the Holocaust. Introduction: History’s Silver Linings History is something that people study so we can learn to move forward and prevent the same mistakes from happening over and over again. While many historical events have very negative connotations attached to them, there can always be at least a slimmer or shred of silver lining found in such events, and the world can benefit from these silver linings. New ideas and concepts may even spring out of the aftermath of a devastating crisis, and lead everyone in a new direction. However, keep in mind that change doesn’t usually occur instantly, and that history may still repeat itself through several generations with slight variations each time. The Salem Witch Trials, Holocaust, and McCarthy Era were all similar historical situations for several reasons. Let us move forth and find the silver lining in these events, the light that came out of the darkness. The Salem Witch Trials …show more content…

In fact, “The Salem Witchcraft Trials have taken on an iconic role in American history, and an unjust search for scapegoats is now commonly referred to as a “witch hunt”” (Billings). Now, during the McCarthy Era, an author called Arthur Miller wrote The crucible, a story “about witchcraft at Salem in 1692, and it was inspired by the social and political climate in the United States in the 1950’s” (Bloom 66) The 1962 Salem characters in Miller’s play represented the Americans that were accused of being communist or sympathizing with communists (Trevino). In conclusion, that is an example that shows how the silver linings in these connected events have created certain ideals in people, as well as a lesson for the people of the future to learn and