Similarities Between Their Eyes Are Watching God And The Lottery

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Enrique Vile-Matas once said “As I write, I control my anxiety and anguish thanks to the invaluable aid of irony and humor. But every night I am subdued by an anxiety that knows no irony, and I must wait until the next day to rediscover the blend of anguish and humor that characterizes my writing and that generates my style”. Many authors include multiple levels of meaning within their writing. The author Zora Neale Hurston of “Their Eyes Are Watching God” which is about an African American woman who deals with life and love struggles. The author Shirley Jackson of “The lottery” about a town that holds a “lottery” each year but we find out later on in the story that you don’t want to win because the winner ends up getting killed. Both of the authors used different types of irony during their stories. …show more content…

eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it”.(Jackson, 1). This shows situational irony within the book. This is because we think the boys will build something with those rocks and stones they gathered or even throw them at things that are near them or pass them by for example cars, trees, or the other boys who were also gathering stones. But in the end we see that this is not the case because the stones are for the winner of the lottery and they throw the stones at the winner to kill