In book 21 Penelope announces that she will marry the suiter who can string the bow, and then successfully shoot a line of twelve axes. Telemachus, Eurymachus, and many more try to string the bow and fail. Odysseus then asks to try, and this is where the epic simile is. The simile compared Odysseus’s stringing to a musician with an instrument. Thus reveling that Odysseus was in fact was very graceful, and skillful.
In the epic poem the Odyssey, Homer blooms and flowers the epic hero, Odysseus, through a long journey and illustrates his characteristics, actions, and choices using diction, similes, and other figurative language. Homer creates Odysseus to have a poker face during part one. Odysseus is in the beginning doesn’t exactly express to many emotions that reveals his true inner being. Odysseus has stayed calm, and determined through his journey. As Odysseus lost his men, he didn’t pay or shed any tears for those he had lost nor, did he feel remorse.
Homer’s The Odyssey is one of the oldest works of Western literature, second only to Homer’s Iliad. It’s influence on Western culture ranges from the characters and story, to his innovative writing style, characterized by his use of literary devices. Though Homer uses many literary devices in his telling of The Odyssey, epic similes are one of the most vital part of the storytelling. They allow the reader to envision the scene in a different way, comparing it to descriptions that can be vividly imagined in the head.
Odyssey Quiz Erin Brzusek 1) Book I, page 7-8, lines 236-254 “’As for my sailing here-/the tale was that your father had come home,/ therefore I… he can do anything’”(Mentês). 1 Athena, disguised as Mentês, is speaking to Odyssey’s son, Telemakhos. Mentês enters Odysseus’ home in search for Telemakhos. Once Telemakhos sees Mentês he brings him to a more secluded area away from the suitors in order to speak with him. Curiously, Telemakhos asked Mentês “’What kind of ship is yours, and what course brought you here?
What traits do heros hold, that lead them to overcome adversity? Homer’s epic, The Odyssey, is a mythical story that uses similes and epithets. In the novel, Odysseus, a wise Greek hero is leading his men from Troy to Ithaca. Odysseus’ most important quality is intellect. Odysseus outsmarts the Cyclopes and escapes the supernatural foe by using his intelligence.
In this passage from The Odyssey, Homer uses an epic simile comparing Odysseus’ crew to calves and Odysseus to a cow and a second simile comparing Odysseus to Ithaca in order to portray the sense of reliance and loyalty the men have for their leader. In the book, Odysseus has just returned from Circe’s palace where some of the crew had disappeared. Since the men chosen to venture into Circe’s home did not return, the rest of the crew thought Odysseus would also not make it back to the ship. When Homer writes that the men are, “bucking out of their pens, lowing nonstop, jostling, rushing round their mothers (455-456),” he conveys the men’s desparation to get to Odysseus. The phrase, “bucking out of their pens (455),” refers to the fact that Odysseus’ crew is trapped and helpless without him.
Throughout the beginning of book thirteen in Homer’s epic, The Odyssey, He often utilizes literary devices such as Motifs and foreshadowing. Many motifs are shown centered around disguise and divine intervention, which ties into the foreshadowing for the second half of the Odyssey. For example, when Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca but cannot figure out exactly where he is. The reason is that Athena has disguised Ithaca as a foreign land to Odysseus so that she can later help him conceal his identity. As he wakes up, he cries out: “Whose country have I come to this time?
Homer, was a great bard who travels from villages telling many villagers his famous epic. The Odyssey of Homer, Homer’s epic creates a theme around Dolos:Trickery. Trickery can be used to escape from life threatening situations. He uses irony, when Odysseus, is trying to escape the one-eyed cyclops Polyphemus by using “the trick of nobody”. He then foreshadows how Odysseus’s homecoming will be, using the sirens voices as a symbolic message.
The Odyssey, Homer, takes the reader on a man's journey back home after being faced with many struggles for 15 years. Throughout the epic poem, The Odyssey, several examples of epic concepts are shown, such as; epithets, epic similes, and archetypes. Epithets are most commonly seen throughout this epic poem. This is evident because there are many examples of epithets in each book of The Odyssey. For example when the gods and goddesses were discussing Odysseus' fate they used a epithet.
The Odyssey is often cited as an epitome of the hero’s journey and the monomyth. The hero of the story, Odysseus is on a 10 year battle homeward from the Trojan War to see his wife and son again. With the help divine intervention, Odysseus is able to return home and save his wife from the evil suitors who have continuously tried to win her. One could easily argued that Odysseus is an exemplar of the hero, but there is another story: Odysseus is the opposite of a hero and is not worthy to be called such. He is the villain where the gods are the hero.
Over 2,000 years ago an epic poem, The Odyssey, was written. Despite its age, the epic poem is still mentioned today. Odysseus, after conquering the City of Troy, in the Trojan war, wanders through the waters of Greece until he sails ashore his homeland of Ithaca. On his treacherous journey home, his men are distracted by the Lotus Eaters, and almost swallowed by a whirpool. Timeless elements in The Odyssey make it perpetual, even thousands of years after it was depicted.
"The Odyssey" is one of the fascinating works in the history of universal literature. This work, attributed to Homer, is not only dazzling by the events it narrates but by the way in which it narrates them through twenty-four chants or rhapsodies. The importance of this text lies mainly in being one of the first texts of the Greco-Roman epic, whose emergence occurred around the VIII century BC.
The Odyssey would be less memorable without Homer’s masterful use of figurative language. This poem can only stand the test of time when the figurative language is used to help readers relate to the text no matter what time period they come from. Figurative language in the text has made the story as a whole more interesting and has made countless readers engaged by this tale of, in Homer’s own words, “that man skilled in all ways of contending.” (p. 813,
Diction and imagery are very important components to a story. It is the way that the author displays their feelings through the character. Homer uses very vivid shifts in tone, sometimes creating room for the reader to learn a lesson. In one of Homer’s famous books, “The Odyssey,” he uses diction, imagery, and tone to show that everything does not always go as planned. Wishing to escape the cyclops’ bondage, Odysseus tries to get out of trouble and assumes that he and his men are safe by lying to the Cyclops.
This is certainly a momentous work that is still alive in the fast world of today, the 21st century. These works are about the Trojan war as earlier said and invoked the Greeks o be imaginative and get united. Homer played a heroic role in uniting the Greek culture and Greek nation under one idea. He gives them a sense of unity and hold their Greek values and traditions. Hooker (nd) describes the number of scrolls covering Homer’s