
Simon Vs. The Homosapien Agenda

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Book Review of Simon vs The Homosapien Agenda

I highly recommend the novel, Simon vs The Homosapien Agenda by Becky Albertalli, to people of all ages and genders, especially people in the LGBTQ+ community. I enjoyed this book because it was very modern and relatable. The book, Simon vs The Homosapien Agenda, brings you into the life of Simon Spier, a 16 year old, closeted gay kid. It takes you into his world, his friends, his family, Blue. Blue is the boy he’s been emailing with for 5 months. One day, Simon forgets to sign out of the library computer. Martin Addison is the next person to use the computer. Martin, screenshots his emails with Blue, and uses them to blackmail Simon into getting him a date with Simon’s best friend, Leah Burke. This novel is because it reaches out to teens by using social media and issues that happen to teens in the real world. The two boys -Blue and Simon- meet on a Tumblr page for their school, which is mainly used to spread rumors and gossip. …show more content…

Most books that are written and include people of color and queer people, usually represent them in stereotypical ways, such as always having black characters be in gangs or live in the projects and be super poor with, most if the time, deadbeat dads. It’s the same with queer people, if the character is gay, they are usually extremely flamboyant, and always have them have tragic backstories, when that’s usually not the case. This book represents them as normal teenagers, going through the same struggles everyone goes through, school, stress, relationships, and

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