
Sir Gwaine Short Story

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Sir Gwaine and his fellow knights, stationed deep in the heart of the Forest of Ascetir, were on a week-long mission to secure Camelot’s western border. There had been rumors of bandits and thieves creeping through the area, but thus far, there was no sign of them; the mission was blessedly boring.

On the third morning of the assignment, at sunrise, Gwaine emerged from his tent to relieve himself. Mornings were cold now that autumn arrived, but not so chilly as to be punishing.

Gwaine stood in front of his tent flap, yawned, stretched, and heard that sound... again. He squinted and peered around until he caught sight of it, that damn black kitten bounding right toward him.

“Oh, no,” groaned Gwaine. “You again?”

Beginning yesterday, wherever …show more content…

While Gwaine packed up weapons and provisions for the day, the kitten planted herself in front of his tent, staring at Gwaine intently as he wandered in and out. Before mounting his horse, he glanced down at the kitten.

“Goodbye, strange little thing.”

Right before riding off, he realized he left his waterskin in the tent, so he rushed inside, grabbed the skin, the hopped up on to his horse. The kitten was nowhere to be found.


At midday in the forest, Gawain was ravenous, so while still in the saddle, he reached behind him and opened his satchel. He rooted around for the bread and apple he’d packed, but instead of finding food, his hand connected with something warm and furry. Out popped the kitten’s head, and Gwaine almost fell from his horse.

“You’re a hazard,” he said to the kitten once he’d righted himself. “That’s a good name for you. Hazard.”

Gwaine halted his horse and dug around his sack while the kitten purred. His food for the day was gone.

“You ate everything, you little beast! My round of bread, my smoked sausage…all of it!”

Percival pulled alongside Gwaine as the kitten coughed up a chunk of partially digested bread. Percival laughed, reached into his saddlebag, and tossed Gwaine an

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