Sir Mix Alot Research Paper

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Does Rap Music Really Affect Our Society? Sir Mix Alot said it all, “I like big butts and I cannot lie.” For over 20 years it has been an iconic rap song sung by many people. Not only shown on movies, tv shows and cartoons, it has been broadcasted as one of the highest rated rap songs in our lifetime. Even though we don’t think about the lyrics while singing the song, it is true that he undermines women based on the size of their butt. So what does this all mean to our young minds, has rap changed so much that we don’t just look at it as music, but do we look at it on how we should view women or the rest of the world? There are many popular rappers other than Sir Mix Alot that promote sex, drugs, and alcohol who are popular rappers today. Rap music can affect our youth in a negative way by portraying the use of drugs, alcohol, and violence and by giving women a sexual role in their music. …show more content…

One influential rap artist, Snoop Dogg is known for his abusive substance on drugs. He is one icon that is seen on days like 4-20 or movies and is portraying getting high, drunk or having sex with several women. For example, one of Snoop Doggs most popular songs promote drug and alcohol use. The song is called Young, Wild & Free and the chorus is “So what we get drunk, so what we smoke weed, we’re just having fun, we don’t care who sees.” This intensely promotes drug and alcohol use, which will make the current youth that this behavior is