Sirens In The Odyssey

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Sirens are devious creatures found in Greek mythology and The Odyssey. There are many depictions of them with different traits, but none are more well-known than the Sirens from "Siren Song" and The Odyssey. The sirens in "Siren Song" are portrayed to be smarter by being more manipulative and calmer. The Sirens in "Siren Song" are shown to be smarter than the Sirens in The Odyssey by being more manipulative. The Sirens in this poem make the hero feel special and convince them that only they can save the sirens and listen to their song which is said to "Work every time,"(Atwood 27), while the Sirens from The Odyssey are not as convincing, only yelling at people to listen to their songs. This shows that the Sirens from "Siren Song" are smarter