Sister Cathy Cesnik Essay

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Exploring Sister Cathy Cesnik’s Murder thru Repressed Witnesses A Review of a Resurfacing of Sexual Abuse on an Article about a Netflix Documentary “The Keepers” (Netflix, 2017) Student University of the People EXPLORING SISTER CATHY CESNIK’S MURDER THRU REPRESS 2 Summarily, I am reviewing an article on the suspicions of abuse by a Catholic Priest that may also have ties to a homicide of a ‘Nun’. The documentary aligned with this review and summary is called the “Keepers”. (Netflix, 2017) This goes back to a cold case and unsolved murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik presumptuously by a Priest at the High School where she taught. Resurgences into some traumatically hidden repressed memories of supposedly sexual abuse victims Jean Wehner and Teresa Lancaster. It is thought that the ‘Nun’ was murdered because of her knowledge of the abuse who became a fatal victim in the case. Justifiably, a civil case was launched as in the following quote from the article. “The district attorney and the Catholic Church refused to act, so she and another victim …show more content…

Some help from God and their educated counselors to lower the occurrences of this in the Catholic Churches. If the walks of Priesthood cannot be followed, then step down and resign and find additional means to further the Church. However, when a victim is being stoned. Jesus Christ will always protect and stand guard for all innocent against stones of abusive defilements that leave sexually inflicted wounds. Any Priest practicing such is not in any form a representative of Him or an example to others in the Christian Way. From the Popes perspective even though I’m personally not Catholic. There should be a place of zero tolerance and an assured conviction of proven cases. It was conferred by the person that wrote the article that there was evidence for and against repressed

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