Slaughterhouse Five Themes

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Slaughterhouse- Five is not an ordinary novel. The author, Kurt Vonnegut, writes the story in an eccentric way that messes with the expectations of reading a novel. (ADD REASONING WHY, ONLY WAY COULD WRITE ABOUT DRESDEN BOMBING) Throughout Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut openly bends, breaks, or ignores the conventional rules of storytelling.
The story of Slaughterhouse-Five is narrated by the author, Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut tells the story of a man named Billy Pilgrim who serves in World War Two, experiences the bombing of Dresden, is abducted by aliens, and is able to transport himself to different moments in his life. Billy Pilgrim acts as a surrogate for Vonnegut, who also served in World War Two and experienced the horrors at Dresden.