Slavery Pros And Cons

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History…Complex…Distasteful are all words that would describe the terrifying phenomenon known as slavery. While we as a country would like to believe that America was built on the concept of “freedom for all”; the early 1600’s would prove to a completely different notion for many of our country’s men, woman, and children. Encyclopedia Britannica defines slavery as a “sociology condition in which one human being was owned by another” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2015). Can you imagine being ripped from your family, without warning? The act of slavery brought about abundant despair, great heartache, and death for millions across the United States. Perhaps that is an inconceivable idea for most; however, that very uncertainty is what slaves …show more content…

Moreover, there are numerous modern day powerhouse companies that benefited from slavery. Lehman Brother, Aetna Inc., JP Morgan Chase, and New York Life Insurance Company all played roles and are in some way linked to have profited from slavery. The amounts that the mentioned countries and companies profited are well into the millions. Therefore, shouldn’t the descendants of former slaves be compensated in some form? Consider this; in the 21st century wrongfully accused inmates are monetarily compensated. The accused could have spent decades imprisoned, however, if/when found to be wrongfully accused they are offered some type reparation. That same principal should be considered if deciding whether or not descendants should be compensated for the free labor and whippings their ancestors were forced to endure. Often times, the whippings were so severe that their flesh would often be exposed. Bruce Nagel, an attorney who formed a lawsuit against companies tied to slavery argued that “this is a case that targets corporate America. It targets who’s companies that we can prove were built on the backs of African slaves, that were built on the sweat and labor of African slaves that was never paid for, and we say 150 years later pay for it” (Fox News Article,