Small Lender Laws In The 1920s And 1930

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With the rise of new small lender laws in the 1920s and 1930, it made it almost impossible for the lenders to intimidate their clients. “It is a disgrace upon us in our civilized communities that we tolerate a group of loan sharks who extort from their unhappy victims as much as 50, 100, 500, or even in rare instances 1,400% a year from the poor, who are driven to the necessity now and again of contracting for small loans.” (Gault, 1919) Another problem was the fact that most of their “would be clients” are self-employed which meant that public shaming would not affect them as much. This lead to lenders now using violence as a main approach to their operations, and they were much more informal than lenders of the past. Plus these new lenders