Sneetches Thesis

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Throughout the Dr. Suess story “Sneetches” there were these creatures with the only difference—being that one group had a star on their stomachs. The group that didn’t have the star was often excluded and deemed as inferior. After some time of this system an individual came and told the “inferior” creatures that he could help them by adding a star. However, when the “star” creatures saw that they were losing their power they had to change to keep their superiority. When individuals have always had power, and have perceived themselves in some ways superior, equality is threatening. These individuals would do anything to maintain their privileged. Throughout history individuals with privilege used different strategies to keep their power. After the end of slavery, White males were threatened since their economic power was decreased. These individuals started policy which would allow the mass incarceration of African Americans. The era of Jim Crow also provides an example of a way which the privileged often do …show more content…

The fight for the 19th amendment conviced many people that women were also deserving to the right to vote. The movement made individual realize that men controlled all of society since they were able to create policy which was focused on them. During the civil rights movement individual participated in sit-ins, among other types, which allowed them to fight peacefully for their rights to equality. These protests brought attention to the bigotry which filled the country. The attentionbrougth made people aware and indivudla of all races started joining th ewmovemtn which made the government pay attention. During the civil rihts movemtn after the walk of the “Edmund Pettus Bridge” that night Reeb James, a white preacher died. His death was a catalyst for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. There are also Die-inns. These types of protest focus on the lives which have been lost due to police