Jim Crow Laws In The 1800's

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The Jim Crow Laws were sadly an unbelieve event that took place in the 1800’s of American history. These laws targeted African American males, giving literary test and asking unreasonable questions about the U.S.A that many white males couldn't even answer, to many not able to read nor write causing many black males “unable” to vote. The Crow Laws also made segregation legal such as, white and black only schools and movie theaters.White schools, movie theaters, and etc,.. where far better than the African American builds which were often run down or poorly funded. You may think to yourself that it was so far back that in today's culture, those laws do not have any effect anymore, However you might be wrong. The Jim Crow Laws have long been …show more content…

Even though it is illegal to not hire someone due to their race, it still happens in most parts of the south. Many Places in the south are still very segregated with a large majority of African Americans living around the same places the Jim Crow Laws made their Grandmothers and Grandfathers live. Racism is very alive in the south due to the deep history of slavery and hate crimes that took place in the 1800’s. Those beliefs were passed from generation to generation causing the south to gain the type of reputation it has today, Another example of the Jim Crow Laws still affecting today's world has to do with the new voting laws that requires a government standard I.D in order to vote, Which does not seem racist until you look at the facts and realize 25% of African Americans do not have that form of I.D on them. The Jim Crow Laws may not officially be laws anymore but, due to these laws being around and having such a deep impact on the south and other parts of the country in the past, as sadly impacted today’s society. We can easily end racism and while it is very unlikely the Jim Crows Laws will become a law again, we all need to love and respect one another no matter what belief or race they are beauce in the end, we are all