Snowpiecer Journey

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Enlightenment is usually achieved through the hardest times in our lives, times where we struggle the most. Whether these struggles be emotionally like in Little Miss Sunshine where the family deals with hardships such as trying to join to together despite all of the curveballs thrown in by life. Also they can be physically as in Snowpiecer where the struggles is trying to fight their way to a better life despite the death toll and misery. Through these journeys they become enlightened in their respective lives of how life is and how to survive. In life we can and will be thrown into situations that become difficult for us to understand at the time, such as maybe the loss of a family member that was we may have been very close to in life …show more content…

Although it is most common for a learning experience to usually be emotional one but, it can also be a physical one in which one person can see the toll of their journey. In Snowpiecer a group of poor class citizens aboard a train that holds the rest of humanity fight and kill their way to the front of the train in order to liberate themselves from the horrid cramped spaces and seek the front which they believe holds a better life. Curtis played by Chris Evans fights his way to the front of the with a group of people who lived in the back of the train which eventually dwindles down in size after many lethal encounters. Curtis eventually reaches the front with the help of Namgoong Minsoo played by Kang-Ho Song and his daughter Yona played by Ah-sing Ko in order to realize that his journey was in vain being told that is was Wilford the creator of the trains “eternal “engine that this was a plow in order to reduce the population on board by miss leading the group with small bullet sized tablet filled with a note that helped them reach the front. In the moment he learned that there was no true way to liberate them in which he was enlightened on the dark truth of the reality they