Snowshoe Hare Research Paper

209 Words1 Pages
One animal that is adapted extreamly well to it 's environment is the snowshoe hare. The snowshoe hare 's environmental features like his big furry feet help him travel with ease onto the sinking snow. One other trait that helps him in his environment is his winter coat keeps him warm during the winter and cool during the summer. The snowshoe hare 's low reproduction rate dosen 't help him reproduce quickly but their feature sure do help them survive. Snow shoe hares have 6-7 babies a year. The snowshoe hare also competes with others males by bitting and scratching eachother to try to mate with females. Sometimes they may comunicate by thumping or hissing and other small noises. How do snowshoe hare stays alive from the lynx, fox, coyote, and

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