Social Class And Inequality In The Help

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The movie I have chosen to review is The Help. The Help illustrates social class and inequality. After watching this movie, it was even more strongly portrayed to me how wrongly African Americans were treated in the early 1960’s and why The Civil Rights Movement was so important to our society. My knowledge of the treatment of African Americans is pretty broad, however, seeing it in movie form, it was reiterated on a larger scale. This movie also showed how members of a different social class were treated as though they weren’t as good as their fellow humans. Inequality was something that happened often in this movie. The Help shows different African American families and how they go about daily life. When the main character, Skeeter, a White American, comes home from college, she works with her friend’s maid, Aibileen, to put together the stories of twelve African American maids. During the time …show more content…

This movie reinforces both of these sociological ideas and what is in our book is pretty well right in line with this movie. After watching The Help a couple of times, I definitely can visualize the concept of both inequality and social class more clearly. I have also noticed how both of these sociological ideas are still present in today’s society. Looking around at people today, even if they don’t realize it, some are treated as bad people because of the way they dress or the color of their skin. When the Civil Rights Movement happened, things were better for a while, however, I can see people going back to the way it was prior. This movie does a great job reinforcing stereotypes found in the social world. Time seems to repeat itself. Maybe it is just human nature, or maybe something more, but based on my experience watching this movie, I hope people can learn to accept each other no matter what. Whether rich or poor, black or white, we are all on the same side and should treat each other as