Despite they’re being no literature on what theory Project 11 comes from I have determined that it is based on the social cognitive theory. The reason for my decision that Project 11 comes from the social cognitive theory is because when looking at what Project 11 provides children it is all about giving them the confidence and tools to be able to learn to deal with difficult situations, hence when they eventually do move on in their later years they will hopefully have the confidence and self efficacy to be able to deal with whatever stressful scenarios that come there way. There is the dynamic interplay between the cognitive, environmental and behavioral aspects in the social cognitive theory (Lox, Ginis & Pertuzzello, 2010). The cognitive …show more content…
The aspects that make Project 11 similar to other mental health interventions studied have to do with the proactive nature of the intervention. The area that makes it distinct from other mental health interventions is the nature in which it is administered and implemented. In other similar interventions the teacher has been responsible in implementing a given curriculum, but in Project 11, the teacher simply registers his or her classroom or school (registration is used for data collection, do not need to apply for Project 11). Once registered the teacher will attend a training session and is then provided with video tutorials to show the class and then facilitates the lesson in the class (S. Friesen, personal communications, February 16, 2018). This is a feature that ensures consistency within Project 11 across the province, and does not over strain the teachers and put them out of their knowledge level, which is something teachers were concerned about (Franklin et al., 2012). There are both pros and cons to this format. Further more, due to the universal setting of Project 11 meaning that it is the same for all students regardless if they are suffering or not also …show more content…
The activities that Project 11 use to help teach these themes or skills to their students as mentioned earlier range from yoga, indigenous dancing, relaxation techniques, mindful moments and include a number of others as well. The activities that were focused on in this specific research paper looked at yoga and different relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, as well as the use of journaling and how it can help with self reflection and self awareness. The studies that were looked at in terms of Yoga and journal writing provided imperative information in terms of seeing the benefits of the stress and anxiety that can be reduced. One area that is truly significant in terms of the journal writing is the fact that it not only provides students with the chance to reflect on their thoughts and write down any problems they may be facing. The area of being able to practice writing consistently allows teachers and parents that may not see the importance of mental health yet as a way to practice their writing and take advantage of the cross curricular nature of Project 11. This can also be utilized in allowing the students who may be stubborn to reflect on their thoughts, ideas, or worries without