
Social Consequences Of Binge Drinking

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In today's modern society alcohol consumption among young adults is at an all time high. Alcohol consumption is occurring regularly on high school and college campus’ where the majority of students are underage. This underage drinking and drinking among young adults is having several negative consequences to a person's social life. Such consequences are a result of several different forms and methods of drinking, and although there are several techniques to remedy this, young adults drinking to unhealthy levels is still occuring on a regular basis.
Binge drinking is becoming a habit that is increasingly popular among young adults. Binge drinking can be defined as the consumption of five or more consecutive alcoholic drinks for men, and four …show more content…

In the six trialed countries, 12% of the 1,822 people surveyed were classified as abstainers, 26.9% were “sensible” drinkers, 29.4% were considered “hazardous” drinkers, and 31.7% were classified as binge drinkers. Based on these classifications, surveys examined how the drinking habits of the participants impacted the persons work or employment, marriage and relationships, relationships with family members, friends or social lifes, physical health, and finances. The results of the experiment concluded that binge drinkers were six times as likely to experience socially related consequences, such as poor relationships and socially isolation than abstainers, while the hazardous drinker was four and a half times more likely and the sensible drinker is two times more likely to suffer social consequences than the abstaining counterpart; this thus proves the direct correlation between increased alcohol consumption and social consequences. However, after further examination, researchers concluded that the most prevalent cause of this relationship is the atmosphere and culture of the area in which the young adults were drinking (Plant, …show more content…

This battle is so extreme due to the current drinking age in America which is twenty one, and how the typical age of students in high school is fourteen to eighteen years old, creating an environment of underage drinking. In today's society, high schoolers drinking is becoming increasingly more common, and is more widely accepted. In an attempt to gain more information about underage drinking, a study from 2005-2016 surveyed highschool and underage college students to assess the level of drinking and intoxication of minors. The survey monitored 1657 minors alcohol consumption, college attendance, and living situations. The results showed that 24.2% of the participants reported binge drinking regularly, 4.2% said that they partook in high intensity drinking (ten or more drinks,) 10.3% recorded drinking a minimal amount of alcohol frequently, 33.1% recorded drinking occasionally or infrequently, while 19.6 percent reported never drinking (Patrick, 2016). This study is a key example of just how out of hand drinking has become in

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