Social Contract Theory Of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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For Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), men in a state of nature are free and equal. I already mentioned in Chapter one that for Rousseau in a state of nature , men are noble savages. Also, he has two social contract theories which are Discourse on the Origin and Foundation of Inequality Among Men mostly called as the Second Discourse and the other one is Social Contract which is this papers topic. Rousseau begins the Social Contract with the most famous words he ever wrote: "People are born free, but everywhere in chains." From this provocative discovery, Rousseau talks about countless ways to suppress the "chains" of civil society The natural human right to physical freedom. He argues that civil society does nothing to ensure the equality and freedom of the individual that was promised to a person when he joined this society. Moreover, for Rousseau, the only legitimate political authority is the power that all people who have agreed to such a government agree on by entering into a social contract for the sake of their mutual preservation. The social contract is Rousseau 's answer to the problem of natural freedom, because Rousseau 's nature does not provide standards or guidelines for determining who should rule. According to Rousseau, a social contract in common will is the basis of all legal power, in other words, that all standards of justice and law originate in the will of this unique human property of will or free agency. All in all, the differences between