Social Criticism In 'And Then There Were None'

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Throughout the novel “And Then There Were None”, the roles of the philosophy, the setting, as well as the separation of the distinct social classes maintain consistent prominence in effecting the upshot of the novel. This occurs primarily by aiding Justice Wargrave in his murders, and secondarily by exonerating him from the blame of the crimes. The novel takes place in 1940s Britain, where typical philosophy was radically different that in the contemporary time. Promptly after it is clear that the killings are the work of a murderer, Mr. Justice Wargrave, Dr. Armstrong, and Vera Claythorne are acquitted of guilt, as two rank very high in the sense of social status, and the third is a “harmless” woman. However, the feeling of urgency on the island prevails, and no one is exculpated from the criminality. Although Mr. Wargrave takes a rational approach to the matter, and makes it clear to everyone that “There can be no …show more content…

Even after it is clear that a murderer is on the loose, Thomas Rogers continues with his butler duties, because it was the way in which the people of the time were, they were to continue with their work, and accept their place in the “Social Ladder”. The social class a person was in dictated their behavior in time of a crisis, and even their behavior in prosaic life. When Rogers is murdered: “He was in the little wash-house across the yard. He had been chopping sticks in preparation for lighting the kitchen fire. The small chopper was still in his hand. A bigger chopper, a heavy affair, was leaning against the door-the metal of it stained a dull brown. It corresponded only too well with the deep wound in the back of Rogers' head.” Although it meant his separation from the rest of the group, he felt morally obliged to provide the clients basic necessities in order to