Mr. Baumer Accused Of Killing Slade

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Gentlemen of the jury, thank you for listening so intently to this trial. I know you care about our community, and that you will bring justice to the end of this sad story. Mr. Baumer has been accused of murdering Slade. Mr. Baumer is innocent and had nothing to do with Slade’s death. Mr.Baumer contributed well to the society while Slade has been a terrible person and only did horrible things to everyone. People have accused Mr.Baumer of killing Slade, although he was nowhere near Slade when his death occurred. There is almost no way for Mr. Baumer to have murdered Slade. Mr. Baumer is a terrific person who has only done what is best for this town. Slade is not only considered a horrible person, he is a criminal. Even if Slade was to die from drinking the poison, it was Slade's fault for stealing it in the first place. A man like Mr. Baumer would not be capable of setting this up …show more content…

Baumer.People can say that Mr. Baumer wanted revenge for almost getting killed and getting hurt by Slade, but he decided to give him another chance and gave him a job. Slade doesn’t know how to read, but Mr. Baumer wouldn’t have thought Slade would steal from him after giving him a job and several other chances. Even though this is Mr. Baumers first time buying poison, it was a good bargain that he couldn’t pass up. Mr. Baumer didn’t even tell him that it’s alcohol and that he was allowed to drink it. Slade is a bad person and doesn’t go well with this society. He has been stealing and not paying his bills for a very long time and he deserves punishment. Even though he doesn’t deserve to be killed, he willingly killed himself by drinking the poison without being told to, or he died from the extreme cold that he had to deal with during his work. Some might say Mr. Baumer planned everything out to kill Slade with poison, but he could have just died from drinking, from carrying heavy loads, or from being too

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