Social Dimensions Between Canada And Mexico

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PESTEL Journal Social- Dimension
Xiaotong Wang
On the site of Prime Minster of Canada, it posted a news on June 28, 2016 that the cultural and social ties between Canada and Mexico are continue to grow. There are more than a million Canadian visitors in Mexico every year, and are more Mexicans come to Canada for purposes of travel, study and cultural exchange in each year. Canada and Mexico are increasing their copartnership on Indigenous affairs and deepening cultural connections, and have an agreement to work together that improving the quality of life of Indigenous people. Moreover,
Health Canada and Mexican health authority COFEPRIS are establishing a framework for cooperation and exchange of information in the field of therapeutic …show more content…

(Geert Hofstede, n.d.) However, the other scores of five dimensions have a huge different, specially Power Distance and Individualism. In Power
Distance, the result shows that Canada get 39 in Power Distance and 80 in Individualism, which means Canadian culture is marked by the interdependence between its residents, power decentralization is management structure existed in the relationship between managers and subordinates. Managers or leaders can rely on their employees to access and manage individuals and teams with their expertise. Also managers and employees are willing to share information with each other freely. (Geert Hofstede, n.d.)Furthermore, the hight score of Individualism shows that Canadian are mainly self-loyalty and proving themselves in competitive situations.( Eva
Kraus, December 1, 1997) On the Other hand, Mexico gets the opposite scores, which are 81 in Power Distance …show more content…

( Eva Kraus, December 1, 1997) Mexicans always respect the elder in family or people who are in higher level in the company. In addition, Mexican will try to avoid personal competition and like to work together.( Eva Kraus, December 1, 1997) And that why their Individualism’s score is very low and can consider as a a collectivistic society. (Geert
Hofstede, n.d.)
Prime Minister of Canada. (2016, June 28). Strengthening cultural and social ties between
Canada and Mexico. Retrieved July 25, 2016, from strengthening-cultural-and-social-ties-between-canada-and-mexico Geert Hofstede. (n.d.). Canada. Retrieved July 25, 2016, from canada.html Geert Hofstede. (n.d.). Mexico -in Comparison with Canada. Retrieved July 25, 2016, from Kraus, E. (1997, December 1). Comparing management differences in Mexico with Canada and the US. Retrieved July 25, 2016, from