Social Exclusion In Australia

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This essay will explore the evidence and argue, poverty is hard work, Social exclusion is a key indicator that poverty exists in present day Australian society. Australian contemporary society has failed individuals and community groups, social, cultural and economic equality in Australia. Poverty stops individuals and community’s groups from accessing resources and services, denying rights to social inclusion on equal terms in social relationships, economic and cultural relationships.

Khan, Combaz, and Frazer (2015) examines social exclusion in society stating, forms of social exclusion include the following, exclusion of rights and citizenship, economic status, and migration as the cause. Kahn explains Social exclusion process …show more content…

Fanning and Veale (cited in Davidson and Carr , N.d, p3) believed that asylum seeker did not have sufficient income and assets poor , social excluded from after school support, extra school activities and safe play areas. Also reporting that same-sex, same age private sleeping spaces, hygiene care and quiet time were nonexistent. Family separation frequently occurred.

According to Saunders (2015), examination of the relationship between poverty and social exclusion was identified three decades ago in 1975 Henderson framework established in 1966, revised in 1975, now longer used.

Scutella and Kostenko (2009) provides a measurement via the social exclusion monitor, (BSL-MIAESR) using a measuring methodology of seven life domains. These domains are Material resources, employment, education, skills, health and disability, social connection, community and personal safety, to measure the extent of income poverty in Australia. According to the current surveys in 2012 in social exclusion data analysis by HILDA, Azpitarte and Bowman (2015) illustrate that 825,000 of Australians experienced deep exclusion and 150,000 very deeply excluded that …show more content…

Robbins (2015), study evidence examines data to observe, how social inclusion has shaped social policy. Robbins argues that social inclusion policies do not take into consideration the cultural patterns of the aboriginal people, causing a division and social exclusion between aboriginal culture and non- aboriginal culture. Walter (2016), study also agrees and presents socio- economic data gathered on the wellbeing of urban and regional Aboriginal and Torres strait islander also failed to recognize the difference in requirements from main stream non- aboriginals to the requirements of aboriginal people in Australia.

Walter (2006) also argues that the inequality associated with aboriginals can be observed in the black vs white relations in the past and present, along with current racial bias policy in Australia. In order for aboriginals as a race to achieve equality and not feel marginalized, Fraser (cited by 2016, p 65) suggest that in order to achieve significant reconciliation, white culture needs to re-examine, statements of right and wrong due to colonialism perspectives, in Australia, engaging white dominant culture, to understand the reasoning behind white cultural connections and aboriginal oppression and