How Does Social Class Affect Your Health

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Health of individuals has an altering factor on our lives, some have it easier or better than others. There are three factors that might stick out to you the most. Our life is influenced by class, race, and gender. All these ideas play a large role in life whether it be about health or not. Some factors may be good for health and some might be bad. That is, these three factors all have something in common, they can affect your health in many different ways.
When I think of what social classes are in the United States, I think of lower class, middle class, and upper class. Depending on what class you belong to your health outcomes can be affected. Typically, lower class people have lower incomes because they just have a high school degree or some education from high school. Middle to upper class have larger incomes because they have a two or four-year degree or more. Having health issues and being in the lower class can affect you. The lower class people typically do not receive health care through their employer and are unable to pay the cost of health care or hospital bills so therefore do not seek medical attention. Middle class people have higher incomes than lower class …show more content…

As stated in class, lower class is the hardest to work with and maintain a good healthy lifestyle for multiple reasons. When it comes to race being a non-white in the United States is the most difficult way to stay healthy throughout life. And finally, with all the extra health concerns that come with being a woman it can be argued that being a female is more difficult than being a male when it comes to being healthy. Leading yourself in the way of a healthy lifestyle is not always based on the choices that you make, for example you cannot choose to be white, or choose to be a male it just happens. There are many factors that go hand in hand with being healthy but class, race, and gender are leading