Social Inclusion

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Social Inclusion of Person with Learning Disabilities
The term Social Inclusion defines positive initiatives taken to achieve equal accessibility to good and services, to enable everyone to take part in community and society as well as to encourage everyone on contributing in social and cultural life. Besides, social inclusion also brings awareness of discrimination against vulnerable groups, by ensuring this vulnerable group have equal participation on decision making in regard of their respective live. This ensures that they are able to improve their standard of live along with overall well-being (Roscommon County Council, n. d.).
The Charity Commission of England describes Social Inclusion as an opposite effect of ‘social exclusion’. Social …show more content…

Learning disabilities are often unidentified or misunderstood. According to Nemours Foundation, learning disabilities are problems that affect the brain’s ability in receiving, processing, analysing or storing information. This causes difficulty for a person to learn as quickly as someone who is not affected by learning disabilities.
There are various kinds of learning disabilities. Firstly, it can be in a person’s inability to concentrate or focus and causes that person’s mind to wander in their own thought or easily get distracted. Learning disabilities also includes difficulty of a person to read, write, and spell or even to solve math problems (Nemours Foundation, n. d).
However, this does not mean that person with learning disability cannot excel or achieve success in their life. According to Learning Disability Association of America, though learning disability cannot be cured of fixed; it is a lifelong challenge, but with suitable support and intervention, even people with disability can achieve success in school, at work, in relationship and in …show more content…

Therefore, social inclusion is important for the people with learning disabilities. As any ordinary person, the people with learning disability also deserve to have an equal opportunity in education, employment, social security and social participation.
Firstly, any training centres, welfare institutions or community centres must be located among friendly neighbourhood. They should not be geographically discriminated as by grouping in an area far from the society. By doing so, it forms a gap among the society and people with learning disabilities as indirectly it creates an assumption that these people cannot be integrated among the society. Hence, any organisation that provides assistance for people with learning disabilities should be placed in a friendly neighbourhood, among the society. This is to ensure that the society will generally be more acceptances towards people with learning disabilities and engage with them almost in everyday basis. Furthermore, this lessens the chances of not only people with learning disabilities but also other vulnerable group facing stigmatization. Thus, it will increase