Meaning Of Inclusion Essay

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1. Meaning of “Inclusion” A disability may be generally defined as the result of the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full participation in society on an equal basis with others. Persons with disabilities include those who have long term or intermittent physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments. Inclusion is the state of being included in all spheres of life without restrictions and limitations. It embraces the view that all individuals should be valued by society by ensuring that everyone can integrate and take part in all aspects of it. This can be done by removing the barriers that make it difficult for someone to enjoy that inherent right (Frederick et. al, 2002). As a result, the act of inclusion gives an opportunity to everyone to lead full lives and to accomplish what they desire. Including people with disabilities i.e. impairments such as sensory (e.g. hearing, visual and speech) or intellectual and developmental disorders along the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD allows them to hold a job that does much more than allow them to earn a living. It also provides opportunities for social integration, develops …show more content…

However, there is still a gap between what we think and what we do. A National Council of Social Service (NCSS) survey conducted a series of questionnaires of caregivers of PWDs. It revealed that 6 in 10 people with disabilities feel excluded, unaccepted and a lack of opportunity to achieve their potential. Among the mainstream, only 36 % felt comfortable about being friends with a PWD. PWDs feel that the public sees their differences as limitations for which they need protection and special treatment. People view those with autism or intellectual impairments as worse off than those with physical