Sociological Perspective Of Inclusion Essay

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Inclusion is vital in helping to provide quality education for SEN pupils. “above all, inclusion is about a philosophy of acceptance where all pupils are valued and treated with respect” (Carrington & Elkins, 2002). Inclusion is often thought to be the location of your education but is more often than not about the quality of one’s education. The location has little to do with inclusion but more to do with where you feel you belong, some SEN children feel they cannot truly belong in a large mainstream school (Campbell, 2005). Sociological perspectives of inclusion often emphasis equality, respect, participation in decision making, rights, and collective belonging. Frequently when focusing on the biological model of primarily thinking about …show more content…

To provide support to learners with communication needs one must recognise that they do not have a cognitive delay due to their special need. One must not group them with other learners with a cognitive delay for this reason. Some children with speech and language needs may have been referred to therapy services, due to this the therapist may visit the pupil within the school, thus making it important for the teacher and therapist to communicate ways in which the teacher can help to further support within the classroom. When enhancing speech, language and communication it is important to immerse children in a talk-rich environment. Pupils will then develop their skills from being exposed to it. Some one to ones may be required to support learners with speech, language and communication needs but it is important they spend the majority of their time in the classroom, so they are exposed to the skills they need to develop. The teacher may use some of the following techniques to enable progress when teaching a pupil with communication or language need; reducing background noise, do not finish their sentences also provide opportunities for collaborative group work and discussion (Glazzard, Stokoe & Hughes,