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What is inclusion? Inclusion is a process of ‘narrowing the gap between learners with and without special educational needs’1. ‘Lessons should be planned to ensure that there are no barriers to every child achieving’2. Inclusion is ensuring that all pupils have equal opportunities, are welcomed and valued in our school community. Our ethos at Friendlydale Academy is to value every child as an individual and acknowledge that every child’s needs are special. Assessment 4 learning enables us to create appropriate targets for our pupils. Students with statements of SEN (such as Kemal) have individualised targets detailed on an IEP, however, an IEP can be created for use with children without statements of SEN. 3 Ke mal My name is Kemal and …show more content…

Multi-sensory rooms are beneficial to children with vision impairment, allowing a child to gain a greater awareness of the world around them and providing stimulating activities for them 16. The multi-sensory area contains coloured lights, a variety of sounds, different textures and contrasting colours 17. The multi-sensory room also provides a quiet space when Kemal gets tired. SENCO: Our SENCO is responsible for co-ordinating provision for students with SEN and works in conjunction with other support staff to assist Kemal with his learning (with reference to his IEP). ‘SENCO’s play a significant role in the inclusion of students with SEN in mainstream school’ 18. Other adults: Our support staff assist Kemal when required, enabling him to be as independent as possible in his daily school routine. Kemal works with the SENCO and a speech and language therapist in order to extend and support his learning 19. I have been meeting with Kemal’s parents on a fortnightly basis to discuss his progress. Kemal’s parents continue to be very supportive and work with myself, the SENCO and the speech and language therapist in order to support Kemal’s learning. Statement: Kemal has a statement which allows us to provide specialist support (full-time LSA) as advocated by the SEND code of practice