Social Inequality In Latin America

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It is common knowledge that the United States and Latin America can be compared to one another on many scales. Several Latin American countries are currently in an ongoing transition from authoritarian regimes to democracy. Although, the United States is seen as the idea democracy, in which others shall transition towards, it is healthy to apply strict scrutiny. It is also healthy to acknowledge that due to the transatlantic slave trade, many Latin American countries were built upon the same slavery tactics that the United States were. This caused displacement of dark skinned Africans throughout the region. As history prevailed much like here in the U.S. a systematic oppression of dark skinned persons began. Despite it being built upon democratic …show more content…

The beliefs it focus on were the Individualistic and Structuralist views. Individualistic beliefs emphasize the importance of negative personal traits such as laziness and simplemindedness as the main factors that lead to poverty. On the other hand, structuralist beliefs emphasize that the poor are “trapped” in poverty as their condition is the result of factors that they cannot control, such as social background or discrimination. Similar beliefs have been found in the case of Hispanics, although their increasing assimilation with whites has determined an increase in their tendency to explain inequality as the result of lack of motivation, or to take the individualistic approach. Simultaneously a decline has occurred in their ability to associate inequality with discrimination. This is important to take into consideration. Consider if an individualistic approach was the unanimous thought process throughout Latin America. This could cause widespread distrust in a population living in one’s country. That could in time lead to corruption and institutional discrimination. Although no Latin American country has a recent history of institutionalized discrimination against racial minorities, it is a well-known fact that discrimination exists as a deep source of social stratification in these countries. Authors have found that Brazilians are the most likely to favor structural