
Latino Discrimination

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The truth behind the discrimination of Latinos
In “Discrimination against Latinos has risen” published by the Thomson Reuters foundation on December 6, 2016, Journalist Ellen Wulfhorst says that most of the Latino population in the United States has said that they have suffered discrimination, more than twice as many who said so a decade prior. Studies have recognized that sixty-eight percent of Latino men and women have been victims of some discrimination in their entire time living in the United States. The increase on discrimination could possibly be due to shift in anti-immigrant attitudes. The author of this article successfully reaches their audience giving the issue from sincere concern on discrimination, by having studies to back up the information, and talking about on ways Trump is going to handle immigrants when he made it into the office in January 20, 2017.
All over the place people are being discriminated because of their religion, ethnic, and even sexuality. In today’s world specially in the United States there is a lot of more discrimination against Hispanics because there are more and more of them crossing the border for a better life for them and their families and in hope of achieving the American Dream. “Most Latinos in the United States say they have suffered discrimination, more than twice as many who said so a decade earlier” but a lot of Americans don’t see it that way they assume Hispanics came here to cause harm in this country, majority of people
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