Informity in Society: A Study of Social Institutions and Deviance

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SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS: It is established and well organized patterns of behavior which is guided by certain norms and values and the individuals are expected to adhere to these norms to maintain conformity , stability and uniformity in society. Social institutions are age old creations of mankind whose purpose is to deliver certain roles and functions for the society and its member. It has helped the mankind in fulfilling a number of purpose related to survival, sustenance and controlling the society. It has a role in the society and a permanency through which the human being excels. Religion, Family ,Schools, Churches all are examples of social institution. It incorporates in it the web of social relationship which has certain shared belief, …show more content…

Every religion is characterized by certain features. They use certain symbols, ideas, rituals, ceremonies which aims to invoke the feeling of uniqueness, supremacy, awe and admiration. Religion has all the feature that qualifies it for social institution. It has a culture, certain ritualized practice, collective acceptance, normative behavior and a function and role to play. In fact religion as a social institution has a great impact on its member and is one of the powerful institutions of the society. Durkheim, Marx and Weber are the three sociologist which tried to study Religion. Durkheim stated that it has the functional role of creating solidarity among the members of the society through rituals and ceremonies. It separates the sacred from profane through means of object that is sanctified from the object of daily use. The ceremonies and the rituals performed ensures the collective participation and affirmation of religion as a medium binding people and confirming solidarity. Though Marx did not study religion in detail, he stated that it is the tool of the powerful to create an illusion for the recessive section against the structural inequalities imposed upon them from ages . It makes the subjugated blind and tolerant towards the discrimination and disparity faced by the underprivileged and resists any social change that would encourage the decentralization of power and wealth. Marx called the Religion “Opium of the masses. Max Weber on the other hand studied Religion of both East and West in detail. He studied the relationship between religion and social change. The eastern religion like Hinduism were against the materialistic gain of life and rather believed in rewards afterlife and that is why it did not facilitated capitalism while on the other hand Christianity and specially Calvinists facilitated capitalism