Analysis Of Sarty In William Faulkner's Story 'Barn Burning'

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In William Faulkner’s story “Barn Burning”, the reader sees a young boy who struggles with his relationship with his father Abner Snopes. Sarty, the young boy, knows what his father has done is wrong. Because of this he is stuck in between being faithful to his father and family and telling the truth about what his father has done. As the story progresses it is easy for readers to see him struggle more and more with trying to keep his father’s actions a secret. He begins to think about himself and the consequences he could face for what Abner is doing. Regardless of the guilt he feels towards his father’s actions, Sarty admires his father for his “wolflike independence.” He is dependent on no one and has drive for survival. Because of all of this it is clear that Sarty is a small and wiry boy who inherited his morality and innocence from his mother, but the influence of his father Abner, has made him mature quickly. …show more content…

Readers can now see the change in Sarty because of how much he matured throughout the progression of the story. He went from lying for his father in front of the court in the beginning to warning de Spain just before Abner and his brother were burning the barn. The reader doesn’t believe that Sarty wanted his father or his family to suffer, he just knew what they were doing was wrong and unethical and he wanted to put a stop to it. Sarty is a hero in “Barn Burning” not only because he put a stop to his father burning down any more barns, but because he has a distinct sense of justice. Sarty slowly develops into a man of his own deeds throughout the course of the story. Sarty finally comes to understand that blood isn't generally thicker than water. Sarty just had to overlook the love and the relationship he had with his father Abner to see the wrong he was doing and the controversy he was causing in the