Open Conditions For Prisoners

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Open conditions and contact with the outside world
The social isolation that results from imprisonment cannot be alleviated solely by treatment programmes within penal institutions. The most obvious means of maintaining prisoners ' contact with society atlarge is to preserve any social relationships they may have had before incarceration or to build up new ones inasmuch as that is possible. ** The United Nations has recognized the need for prisoners to keep their contact with the outside world. According to rule 37 of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, "prisoners shall be allowed under necessary supervision to communicate with their family and reputable friends at regular intervals, both by correspondence and by receiving visits". This rule is of particular importance to life- "Positive adjustment" is understood as acceptance of the sentence, immediate acceptance of responsibility, integration into the prison environment and recognition of the opportunities for personal growth inside prison by both staff and inmates. *There have been a number of initiatives aimed at establishing links between the community ou tside and life-sentence prisoners. Examples include Infinity …show more content…

This is supported by the findings of most experts that long-term prisoners do not generally present special problems of security and control and that they pose little threat to the community when eventually released.41 Assessment procedures should take into account the ambivalence and uncertainty of the dangerousness