Social Factor In Life

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One factor that affects the way a person perceives their purpose in life is the social factor. And the other one is the environmental factor. Under these factors include the influence of friends and groups, the social status in life, the influence of media, and the law.
The previous way in dealing with the investigation of social issues and social conduct have been constrained by an absence of sufficient applied instruments. This constraint has been show both in brain science and humanism, in spite of the fact in various ways. Psychologists have been naturally not able or willing to manage the actuality of social association and social structure. Social orders and associations comprise of designed practices, and the conduct of every individual …show more content…

Children believes to young adults that, cheering and motivating their friends boost their self-esteem and strengthens their friendships. High level of friendships are barely recognized by children and in opposite to adults. Adolescent always say that, a friend will always stay at your side no matter what happen which is a sign of loyalty. Researchers described some positive features of friendship like, boosting of self-esteem, loyalty, motivation and other positive descriptions. They investigate and gather data to their reasearch and they found out that, “children who say that their friendship has a high level of one positive feature, such as intimacy, typically say that their friendship is high in all other positive features.” Which means that positive features has a huge impact to friendship of two or more persons. Friendships can still have neagative side like, having a conflict, comparing their self to each other, and some misunderstandings. But still at the end, they still value the friendship and choose to forgive each other (Berndt, 2002).
Having friends gives motivation, leads each other to good direction, helps each other on certain problems that comes in our life, and comfort each other through the bad times each one encounter in life. It has also a huge positive effect in the daily life of every human and some negative effect. So it is better to have a lot of friends while being an introvert is quite bad because humans need interaction and socialization to another