Social Issues In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. published Harrison Bergeron in the year 1961. Vonnegut has many other pieces of work such as, The Saturday Evening Post, Collier’s, and Cosmopolitan. Throughout his work a theme appears in his writing. Vonnegut focuses on social issues he criticizes during his life span. One specific theme he goes into is wealth. The lack of wealth, the power of it, and most importantly the unequal distribution of wealth in our society. Vonnegut depicts a political view by showing the United States amendments and physical handicaps in his work adding new ones to get his point across. He also uses symbolism to his advantage in his work by connecting it with advancements. Theme is a part played when he’s showing how equality is forced on the citizens, making it mandatory among all. With all these major key points Vonnegut puts together his work, each subject connecting to the next.
It was 2081, the long search for true human equality has been found. Those who are gifted with knowledge, beauty, and strength are penalized. People with any talents were programmed to be the same as an average person. Harrison took off the thing he had for being gifted. Because of this the handicapper general shot him. George had …show more content…

Amendments. Vonnegut describes the amendments as “The search for true equality of all U.S. citizens has led to the creation of scores of amendments to the constitution.” (Vonnegut). The author seems to be suggesting that the issue is with the government and the constitution. The word “search” means that Americans have been trying to achieve it for quite some time. The author is exploring the idea that people are now equal but in the wrong way. He shows how being forced by the government to be equal is the wrong thing to do. This is shown in the story when Vonnegut writes “All this Equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the constitution.” (“Harrison