Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron

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This truly “equal” world that the future has to offer in 2081 is very bizarre and in a way unfair. But there are two versions of this story that portray this story in different styles but both aren’t exactly alike. They are alike in ways such as their theme which is that although people might want equality where no one is better than another, our ability to do something that another cannot or to do something better than another is what separates every human as an individual and what makes humans what they are.While reviewing both the story and the live action oh “Harrison Bergeron” there was similarities and differences such as both the themes they surrounded were similar but more physical characteristics such as the setting,conflict,some …show more content…

Both of these share a similar topic that points to that theme, such as, “Two years in prison and two thousand dollars fine for every ball I took out” (Vonnegut) and “Diana Moon Glampers loaded the gun again She aimed it at the musicians and told them they had ten seconds to get their handicaps back on” (Vonnegut).This shows the amount of potential violence that people are threatened with so that they will be made “equal” to everybody else.When the past is mentioned where things weren’t “equal” and a person was better than other, it is referred to as “The dark ages” (Vonnegut) which insinuates that before things were “equal” the world was underdeveloped.Also, in both passages the penalties of not wanting to be equal are represented by Harrison because he was taken by the government because he was trying to free everyone, the author