Social Medi The Rise Of Political Participation In A Liberal Society

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Participatory media is a medium which encourages audience contribution and involvement in the creation, organization and direction of information distributed in a two-way network (reference). Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook), microblogging services (e.g. Twitter), and content-sharing sites (e.g. YouTube) have introduced the opportunity for wide-scale, online social participation and has rapidly grown in importance as a forum for political activism (reference). This essay discusses how participatory media has evolved over time and explains how the rise of social media has influenced political participation in a liberal society. The essay also explores the changes in political journalism in today’s digital age from the success of political participation through social media.
Participatory media has taken a large step forward for the public to be active in news. People now rely almost twice as much on social media and news websites to get their daily news, than on traditional sources such as television and newspapers. More than 1.4 million blog posts are written each day, with a large percentage of these posts on political topics (reference)
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The popular mobilization around Obamas 2008 online election campaign is just one signal of how digital tools for making and sharing media open up new opportunities for civic engagement. Reactions, feedback, conversations and debates of the election were generated online with a particular large amount of discussion coming from social media. Messages were posted to personal networks were multiplied when shared, which allowed new audiences to be reached and informed (reference). The success of the campaign online supported the participation for offline citizens which lead to Obamas huge