Social Media Affecting Self Esteem

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The use of social media can lower teens self esteem because they can feel that they need to meet society’s standards. Statistics have shown that social media has caused teens depression and can lead them to eating disorders. In Australia, there was an interactive lesson testing social media and self confidence. But, it was shown that females didn't really benefit from the lesson and showed low self esteem. This could be from bullying and pressure from social media. Models and the way other’s lives appear on social media in fact can affect a teenager in many ways. Social media can make teens feel pressured enough to post mature content. Teenage girls will go as far as posing seductive pictures to boost their self esteem, likely due to the …show more content…

Peers take a great affect on teenagers. People online hide behind the screen, saying anything that comes to their mind. Unfortunately, they tend to pick anything that is "different". In this day in age, being transgender is not uncommon. But, teenagers still feel the need to destroy their dignity, when all these teenagers want is to be happy. On page 627 in Martine Herbert’s “Child Sexual Abuse, Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Mental Health Problems Among High School Students: A Moderated Mediated Model”, a diagram shows that cyberbullying is a main cause to mental health problems in …show more content…

New York Times Magazine featured a story, covering the amount of college campuses holding many students with "overwhelming anxiety" due to social media. It is believed that social media can create a state of mind called "Social Comparison." Commonly known in teens, where they are constantly comparing their lives to others seen on social media apps. This can cause moodiness, and is also the culprit to low self-esteem. It was shown in 2015, that 73% of American teenagers had a smartphone. By 2016, that percentage went up to 84%. Twenty-four percent of them admitted to being online