Social Media And Censorship In The United States

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Media and social media have a detrimental impact on society and the lives of individuals. By wrongly creating or failing to represent content, the media are able to develop and change a person's attitudes towards certain issues. It is evident, from our world history, that propaganda and censorship has served as a powerful means of altering the attitudes of a population. In World War I, it was used to implore soldiers to fight, and encouraged women to assist in the war efforts, despite the atrocities that continued to surface as the war stretched on. Furthermore, the media's use of propaganda today has similarly persuaded the views of individuals towards Islam and Muslim's alike. Through the media's censorship, the Muslim community are more …show more content…

The efforts made by America and other countries to conceal that factor is appalling. The discriminatory acts made by countries such as this create the prejudiced ideal towards the Muslim faith and its people. Numerous media campaigns are going on against Islam and Muslims. Most Western media with considerable financial resources and multiple channels try to show a rough picture of Islam to their public. At the same time Muslim groups through various media outlets are trying to convey their messages, but in comparison to the global dominance of the western media, their efforts are somehow in vain. Not all Muslims are terrorists, they do not condone ISIS, this is one truth about their community. Several statements have been made regarding this fact, which have also been purposefully rejected from public media. The single perspective of the media and discrimination of Muslims influences societies around the world. Westerners are ultimately ignoring the fact that ISIS themselves, along with America itself, are destroying the cities and towns where innocent Muslims and Islamic people live. This is due to the censorship of the media, you see what they want you to see, the media itself is influencing what you see and what side you take. The media shapes public opinion and covers realities by their censorship. The mass media are used as the most important weapon. The media shapes the world how we see