The Pros And Cons Of ISIS

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Technology is at the center of everything, and the ISIS has used this aspect to its advantage. Social networks are the best tools to communicate currently, and they attract a great deal of attention and viewership. Social media have introduced a new way that people listen to the voices of the masses (Cavanaugh). Technology has transformed all the backwardness of the old world and replaced it with a new dense world of amplification and echo. For terrorists to succeed, their main aim is to spread fear and intimidation. ISIS utilizes the media, and despite its size, spreading the messages of fear across the masses ensures that it remains vigilant and on top.
It is a fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, and some are just genuine believers of the religion without any extremist tendencies. Currently, ISIS is conducting a very effective and strategic media campaign that aims to broadcast its overall awareness not to mention strike fear in all its enemies. In fact, Reese, Gerhard, Melanie, and Kai (340) claim that the group …show more content…

The cases reported in Iraq and Syria are so disheartening that TV outlets cannot dare show the massacres and murders that occur there on a daily basis to Muslims, who sympathize with the westerners, talk to them or speak against ISIS. Many cases have been reported regarding entire families that have been killed by ISIS as a way of sending a message to the rest of the Muslim people who may dare speak ill about them or work with the westerners. ISIS has given Islam a very bad name and tainted the image of Islam as a whole given that it portrays the religion as being very violent, ancient and backward and out of touch with the modern world (Dorroll, 211). That in the 21st century, women are still treated as the second-class citizen and not allowed to have an education or leave their homes without a male escort is quite

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