
ISIS Pros And Cons

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Have you ever had the fear that you might get blown up by a roadside bomb or that someone walking down the street might have a bomb strapped to there chest? Well if us as americans don't do everything we can to destroy ISIS then they might just bring the fight to our homeland. The Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a very dangerous and very capable terrorist group. They are considers the most dangerous group in the world today. They killed over 6,000 people last year and are not slowing down. There are pros and cons of attacking isis and they are things we need to think about. We as americans need to destroy ISIS. 9/11 is one of america's darkest days. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are responsible and now ISIS has surfaced and they are a branch of those two organizations. America responded to 9/11 with great anger towards Al Qaeda and the Taliban. We bombed Iraq for almost 2 weeks straight. We have had american boots on the ground in the middle east since 2001. We were fighting the war on terror and in search of the leader Osama Bin Laden. In 2011 the United states military carried out an operation with Seal Team 6 that successfully killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader …show more content…

These seem like a good idea but they are far from it. The good things about limited airstrikes are they are strategic. We can choose a specific location and send a drone with one bomb on it and eliminate the target. Next is they use drones so no boots would be on the ground so no us casualties. These are both good things but the problem is ISIS blends i with general public and cannot be recognised easy. They hide in plain sight. They also don't travel in large groups so an airstrike that cost a whole lot of money would probably only eliminate 4-6 members. Last, america doesn't have enough data and intelligence on ISIS so we don't know where to send these

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