Negative Effects Of Social Media On Social Identity

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Social networking and the negative impacts on social identity and peer acceptance
The use of social media is affecting how one perceives themselves. Taifel (1969) proposed an idea that people found pride in the groups they were associated with. In these groups one finds a sense of social identity or belonging. In modern society, social network sites are used to enhance one’s social status, in order to increase self-image and popularity within a certain peer group. Many social interactions online are motivated by social goals (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). The use of social media in an attempt to gain acceptance from others can be seen in adolescents. A study done in India showed that 40% of the participants admitted they had been exposed to images …show more content…

Modern day teenagers have mastered the art of keeping themselves occupied for many hours in a day through social media. Whilst young adults are dwelling on the many different social media applications they are missing out on vital development skills. These may be as simple as interpreting body languages, facial expressions and even humour such as sarcasm (Interpersonal skills). This can lead to complications when serious problems need to be faced in person. After being accustomed to a virtual world of social media and technology, adolescents struggle to make the transition from a virtual world to reality. This is due to the lack of social practice which will ultimately lower their social interaction skills. Adolescents are stripped of their most personal, and to some extent, their intimidating aspects of communication. These adolescents may grow up to be anxious about communicating to other people. This can cause problems when teenagers grow up and are subjected to relationships and employment opportunities. “Social development leads to cultural development, which leads to innovation, which leads to economic development, which fosters institutional stability and trust.” Goodman, (2003:12). This quote shows that being socially developed is a highly important factor for economic and cultural success as well as gaining trust from peers in the work place. Aspects such as Cyber bullying and Facebook depression can severely damage a teenagers self-esteem. This too will negatively affect a teenager’s social development as it can cause teenagers to resort to inapt behaviour in order to improve their social status. Social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have shifted the balance of communication from verbal to visual. A study done by HomeNetStudy (Kraut et al., 1998) showed that teenagers that are heavily involved in technology and social media partake