Social Media And Synthesis Essay

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Majority of Moms and Dads Joining Social Media Networks But Not to Spy on Kids
A new report by Pew shows that social media networks have become vital channels for American parents.

No, parents do not use social media networks to stick their nose into their children’s personal lives.

The report which explores how moms and dads – 75% of whom use social media – found that they turn to Facebook or Twitter for parenting-related advice and social support.

Social media networks: “connecting parents”
Parents – in this study defined as those with children under 18 – are especially likely to join different social media platforms to give and seek emotional, social and parental advice, the study suggests.

Overall, 74% of parents who use social media …show more content…

Because being a parent has never been so difficult, according to a recent research (

Parents find value in social media
“Social media is broadly viewed as a source of useful information and as one parenting tool among a collection of options,” the authors of the report write.
Social media has now turned into a one-stop information resource for parents. One-in-four say they get support from their networks for parenting issues. Most strongly agree that they get useful information via their networks– mothers in particular.
Proof that “the times they are a-changing”, few parents play the “social media police” and say they have felt uncomfortable when information about their children was shared on social media.
Only 11% of all parents have ever asked for content about their child posted by a family member, caregiver or friend to be removed from social media.
Parents love Facebook

Most parents are avid Facebook users. Three-quarter of parents use this social network - 75% log on daily, including 51% who do so several times a