Social Media Ministry Of Impact Church

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This project’s goal is to implement a social media ministry outreach team at Impact Church consisting of different age groups to share the gospel of Jesus with friends and followers who are currently disengaged from the Impact Church community.


An email will be sent to the members of the social media informing them of the first official meeting of the social media ministry of Impact Church. Each member will be asked to present their most frequently used social media to include their screen names used and the number of friends and followers. The goal of this meeting is to form some cohesiveness and share some experiences on social media. This meeting will be an overview of the entire project and indoctrinate and inspire the …show more content…

The internet is a relatively new mission field and the internet presents unique challenges with limited case studies to evaluate. Sometimes, the evangelistic tool is confronted with much reluctance and concern. First, some argue that evangelism should be a face to face encounter and not from the internet. Inviting folks into this new dimension of ministry is very challenging. Additionally, because baby boomers are less likely to be active on social media, they are harder to convince that social media ministry is a good for the …show more content…

This culture exists and thrives exclusively in the absence of direct physical human contact, which is the exact opposite of how other cultures are formed. Cyber culture has three distinguishing characteristics: openness (in sharing information), anonymity, and resistance. New online terms, such as online ethics and internet morals, are created to define the negative effect of the internet culture.

Social Media Optimization
Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a set of practices for generating publicity through social media, online communities and social networks. The focus is on driving traffic from sources other than search engines, though improved search ranking is also a benefit of successful SMO.
Digital inclusion
Digital inclusion, or e-inclusion, is an effort to help people who are not online gain access with affordable hardware, software, tech support/information and broadband Internet service, so they can begin to use this technology to improve their lives.
E-vangelism is a generic term that means to share the gospel via the internet mostly by social media.
Social Media
Social media forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as