Uses And Abuses Of Social Media Essay

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You turn on the TV and you put on the news to see what current events are happening in the world. You hear about a bank robbery, a few things happening with ISIS, and yet another child abduction. This kind of situation happens nowadays because of the misuse of social media. Children under the age of 13 have been making social media accounts and are trusting strangers with personal information, not knowing who could be running the account or who the person on the other side of the screen may be. Therefore, it should be illegal for children under the age of 13 to have social media accounts. They cannot be trusted and can view inappropriate content, post threats, and even give out personal information to strangers. Clearly, social media has some content that wouldn’t exactly be considered “G” rated. From personal experience with using social media, I have noticed that people post things that have lots of obscure language and racism. According to, 10,000 racist tweets are sent …show more content…

You might’ve said or done some things that you’re not proud of to get attention from your other peers. There are children nowadays using social media as a tool to amuse others. They could possibly post threats towards their school, their peers, or their teachers. Threats such as school shootings, bomb threats, or killing a peer are often posted on social media. According to the National School Safety and Security Services, all threats on social media towards a school, teacher, or classmate are taken very seriously, even if the one who posted it didn’t really mean it. The child who posted these threats could suffer the consequences of being suspended or expelled. One wrong post on Facebook can be kept on a record that will haunt the child for the rest of his/her life. This record can cause this child to not be accepted into certain colleges/schools and the risk of no job opportunities because of this little