Social Media Should Be Paid Essay

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Imagine you go into a company for a job interview and even before you speak one word to the managers, they already say they don’t think you are the right fit. Before you came in they already looked at your social media and had judged you on what you posted and made a conclusion on who you are without even talking to you. Even though many people have social media, not everyone has so you can't judge one person on their social media then not the other. Although, many people have social media and don’t always post the most appropriate things to it, companies looking for employees shouldn’t be able to look at possible employees social media because it can invade a person’s private life, the employer can’t get to know the worker they just make …show more content…

There are more than 500 million users on Facebook an employer would almost always find a possible employee on Facebook. If it’s there why shouldn’t someone utilize something at their fingertips. Not many people care if someone looks at their social media and if they do they usually can make their account private. Out of 34,000 high school students, 46% weren’t concerned when employers are reviewing their job applications. Many people just don’t care when people look at their social media only 26% were concerned with employers looking at their social media which is a little over half of the percent of people who aren’t concerned. Plenty of people just don’t care when people look at their social media so why not use …show more content…

No one would like not. Danah Boyd talks about in article called “ Regulating the Use of Social Media Data” he talks about when hiring someone social media might be the resource when trying to pick between two people. Not everyone sees the same things acceptable some people might think a thing is acceptable while other people might think it is inappropriate. When people do something in their teenage years that isn’t correct people say I was young I did stupid stuff, if a teenage posts something online that isn’t seen as correct then go to an interview as an adult when they employer judges them and asks why you did it shouldn’t they people to say I was young I was stupid. If employers didn’t see that as acceptable answer they just shouldn’t go onto the person’s social media when they don’t want that answer. Everyone does stupid things when they were younger, you can’t go and judge someone when probably did the same thing or even worse than it. Employers expect everyone to be perfect while not everyone is. A student poll was done by “ Social networking sites and College-Bounds Students”. The graph notes “ 30% of people are extremely concerned if their social media is used by colleges to find out things about you that might