Should Jobs And Colleges Be Able To Look At Social Media Sites?

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Has someone ever posted something on social media that probably shouldn’t have been posted? Occasionally it can lead employees to not pursue the job people want or, earning students way into college of their dreams for the reason; that something someone posted was inappropriate. Jobs and Colleges are cracking on employees and students and, don’t want them in the environment because what they post. Although plenty of Jobs and Colleges don’t check social media accounts and, it can frequently come up as a problem. Jobs and Colleges should be able to look at social media sites to have an understanding of employees and students. Jobs can check on employees social media accounts to find out if you are fit for the job or if you are going to bring a bad environment while working. 8% of the potential employees that were rejected as a result of information found on search engines and networking sites were rejected because their screen name was unprofessional(Jones, Michael, Schuckman, Watson). When hiring a writer, for example, I’d be more likely to choose one who had a blog (assuming it was well-written) than one who did not, even if I disagreed with some of the views it contained(Lee). Jobs will be looking for something they should be alert about employees …show more content…

Jobs and Colleges can choose whether they will give employees the job or allow students to attend the college because, of what they post on social media or what their username is. Jobs and Colleges are cracking on employees and students and, don’t want them in the environment because they could bring a unhealthy environment to the job business or college campus. Although plenty of Jobs and Colleges don’t check social media accounts and, it can frequently come up as a problem. Jobs and Colleges should be able to look at people profiles to make our job and school environment healthier and