Social Movements After The 1970's

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Throughout human history, activists have organized social movements to attain one goal; that is to change and improve the society that they live in. The tactics that are used in social movements, however, seem to have changed over time becoming more organized, mobilized, and non-violent due to the growth of media and social networking. We can see how, throughout the years, the tactics have changed after the 1970's compared to how they were before that time in history.
For instance, if we go all the way back to the Women’s Suffrage movement, in 1920, we can see how tactics have changed over time. The Women's Suffrage was a social movement led by women who believed they deserved the right to vote just like men did. Some of the tactics they used to gain public attention, which helped them achieve success, where tactics such as lobbying and petitioning, street speaking, but most important picketing outside the White House which, in some cases, led to the arrest of many activists. At the time these tactics were …show more content…

It’s goal was to stop social and economic inequality worldwide. One of the tactics they used, to gain public attention, was social media; by using online networking they dramatically attracted public attention from a large diverse group of people. They all gathered together at Zuccotti Park and protested. Another social movement that was using a similar tactic was the Tea Party movement which took place from 2009 to 2010. The purpose for this social movement was to reduce the U.S. national debt and federal budget deficit by reducing government spending. One of the tactics used in this movement to attract public attention was the media such as Fox News and the radio. The group of activists then decided to stage a series of demonstrations across the country to try and attain success in their