Social Norms: The Social Structure Of A Caste System

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Social norms affect us in many ways but you would never believe the way it may be affecting others on the other side of the world in these modern times. The reason for writing this paper is to help others understand the ripple effect a rigid or secret caste system can have on a society. One of the things that is most known about the Indian culture is the famous social structure of a Caste System that some may say still exists today. I have found this information through research and face to face interactions with those who have experienced this social impact. By understanding the social impact different cultures have on the individuals within them we will be able to open our eyes to a world much bigger than what we believe. I hope that by …show more content…

The first words after hearing the term “caste system” that come to mind may be words such as slaves, kings and common people. There is so much more depth that revolves around this phrase. The caste system of India is made up of five classes. At the top are the Brahmins or those of families that have worked as priests and teachers. Second are Kshatriyas consisting of warriors and kings. Third come Vaishyas or the business community. The fourth class called Kshudras which is made up of servants and lastly we have the Dalits or better known as “The Untouchables”. Without understanding the background or religion the caste system comes from, it is very hard to justify why it would be in place. Karma and Reincarnation help justify the act of delegating castes. Reincarnation is the belief that one will be born again after this life but the power that organizes the situation you will be born into is by Karma. Karma is “the moral law of action and reaction”1, in general it is the belief that one’s actions will either bless or hinder his or her next life. With that being said karma explains that “Every person gets what that person deserves.” To some inequality may simply be the outcome of righteous or unrighteous …show more content…

Education revolves very much so around caste. Many Dalits do not receive the education necessary to progress much in India’s community. With the lack of education they are stuck doing the same things their families have done for generations. The government is currently working on changing these aspects by opening scholarships, schools and acceptance spots for just Dalit children. This can hinder the higher caste education to some effect but is meant to equal the playing field for all students of India.5 The only question it arises is “Does this just further the two ways of thinking, that of tradition and that of